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bottom: 20px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-30 { position: absolute; bottom: 30px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-40 { position: absolute; bottom: 40px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-50 { position: absolute; bottom: 50px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-60 { position: absolute; bottom: 60px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-70 { position: absolute; bottom: 70px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-80 { position: absolute; bottom: 80px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-90 { position: absolute; bottom: 90px } .pos-abs-xs-bottom-100 { position: absolute; bottom: 100px }[class*="pos-abs-xs"].container { left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%) }[class*="pos-abs-xs-bottom"].title-container { margin-bottom: 0 } .w-xs-0 { width: calc(100% * (0 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-0 { left: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-0 { right: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-1 { width: calc(100% * (1 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-1 { left: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-1 { right: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-2 { width: calc(100% * (2 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-2 { left: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-2 { right: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-3 { width: calc(100% * (3 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-3 { left: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-3 { right: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-4 { width: calc(100% * (4 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-4 { left: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-4 { right: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-5 { width: calc(100% * (5 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-5 { left: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-5 { right: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-6 { width: calc(100% * (6 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-6 { left: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-6 { right: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-7 { width: calc(100% * (7 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-7 { left: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-7 { right: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-8 { width: calc(100% * (8 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-8 { left: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-8 { right: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-9 { width: calc(100% * (9 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-9 { left: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-9 { right: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-10 { width: calc(100% * (10 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-10 { left: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-10 { right: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-11 { width: calc(100% * (11 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-11 { left: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-11 { right: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-12 { width: calc(100% * (12 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-xs-12 { left: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .r-xs-12 { right: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .w-xs-50 { width: calc(50% - (5px * 2)) } .w-xs-100 { width: calc(100% - (5px * 2)) } @media only screen and (min-width: 561px) { .pos-abs-sm { position: absolute } .pos-abs-sm-top { position: absolute; 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bottom: 70px } .pos-abs-sm-bottom-80 { position: absolute; bottom: 80px } .pos-abs-sm-bottom-90 { position: absolute; bottom: 90px } .pos-abs-sm-bottom-100 { position: absolute; bottom: 100px }[ class*="pos-abs-sm"].container { left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%) }[ class*="pos-abs-sm-bottom"].title-container { margin-bottom: 0 } .w-sm-0 { width: calc(100% * (0 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-0 { left: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-0 { right: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-1 { width: calc(100% * (1 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-1 { left: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-1 { right: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-2 { width: calc(100% * (2 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-2 { left: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-2 { right: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-3 { width: calc(100% * (3 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-3 { left: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-3 { right: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-4 { width: calc(100% * (4 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-4 { left: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-4 { right: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-5 { width: calc(100% * (5 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-5 { left: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-5 { right: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-6 { width: calc(100% * (6 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-6 { left: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-6 { right: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-7 { width: calc(100% * (7 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-7 { left: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-7 { right: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-8 { width: calc(100% * (8 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-8 { left: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-8 { right: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-9 { width: calc(100% * (9 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-9 { left: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-9 { right: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-10 { width: calc(100% * (10 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-10 { left: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-10 { right: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-11 { width: calc(100% * (11 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-11 { left: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-11 { right: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-12 { width: calc(100% * (12 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-sm-12 { left: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .r-sm-12 { right: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .w-sm-50 { width: calc(50% - (5px * 2)) } .w-sm-100 { width: calc(100% - (5px * 2)) } } @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) { .pos-abs-md { position: absolute } .pos-abs-md-top { position: absolute; 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bottom: 70px } .pos-abs-md-bottom-80 { position: absolute; bottom: 80px } .pos-abs-md-bottom-90 { position: absolute; bottom: 90px } .pos-abs-md-bottom-100 { position: absolute; bottom: 100px }[ class*="pos-abs-md"].container { left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%) }[ class*="pos-abs-md-bottom"].title-container { margin-bottom: 0 } .w-md-0 { width: calc(100% * (0 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-0 { left: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-0 { right: calc(100% * (0 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-1 { width: calc(100% * (1 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-1 { left: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-1 { right: calc(100% * (1 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-2 { width: calc(100% * (2 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-2 { left: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-2 { right: calc(100% * (2 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-3 { width: calc(100% * (3 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-3 { left: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-3 { right: calc(100% * (3 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-4 { width: calc(100% * (4 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-4 { left: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-4 { right: calc(100% * (4 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-5 { width: calc(100% * (5 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-5 { left: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-5 { right: calc(100% * (5 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-6 { width: calc(100% * (6 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-6 { left: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-6 { right: calc(100% * (6 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-7 { width: calc(100% * (7 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-7 { left: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-7 { right: calc(100% * (7 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-8 { width: calc(100% * (8 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-8 { left: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-8 { right: calc(100% * (8 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-9 { width: calc(100% * (9 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-9 { left: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-9 { right: calc(100% * (9 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-10 { width: calc(100% * (10 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-10 { left: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-10 { right: calc(100% * (10 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-11 { width: calc(100% * (11 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-11 { left: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-11 { right: calc(100% * (11 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-12 { width: calc(100% * (12 / 12) - (5px * 2)) } .l-md-12 { left: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .r-md-12 { right: calc(100% * (12 / 12) + 5px) } .w-md-50 { width: calc(50% - (5px * 2)) } .w-md-100 { width: calc(100% - (5px * 2)) } } @media only screen and (min-width: 1041px) { .pos-abs-lg { position: absolute } .pos-abs-lg-top { position: absolute; 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